A bride in a beautiful garment. A long veil of linen embroidered with silk of brilliant colours.. Beneath this is a close fitting bonnet from which is suspended a specially valuable gold piece, coins and jewels forming part of her dowry. An early photograph.

This first century divorce certificate was found at Wadi Muraba`at.. It reads: ` I divorce and release of my own free will, today, I Joseph, son of Naqsan, from [...]ah, residing on Masada, you Mirian, daughter of Janathan from Hanablata, residing on Masada, who had been my wife before this time, that you are free on your part to go and become the wife of any Jewish man that you wish. `

`Samson`s Wedding Feast` by Rembrandt. Canvas, 1638. Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Gem ldegalerie..

Wedding ceremony.