A pregnant dog in a picture from the tomb of Amenenhet II, 12th Dynasty, c. 1900 BC. Dogs were not kept as pets in Israel, where they were considered unclean, though they were looked on fondly in Egypt..
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Dog-head baboon (Cynocephalus), kept by wealthy Egyptians as pets, and worshipped as the god Thoth in Egyptian temples. It was supposed to be able to write (as seen here). This may be the `ape` of 1K.10.22, 2Ch.9.21..

Marble tablet found at Aidinjik, showing a pet dog and a Greek family: `Hoeorte his wife and Asklepiades his son, to Danaos, of the 2nd order of Thracians, in remembrance.. Nine times a victor in boxing, he is gone to the world below`. Unlike Jews, Greeks had pet dogs which were allowed to eat crumbs off the table - cf Mt.15.26, Mk.7.27.