A native weaver of Ramallah winding a spindle by centuries old method. An early photograph..

This horizontal type of loom was used for the weaving of curtain strips. Seated by such a loom, Delilah could easily knit Samson`s long hair into the warp. An early photograph..

Hewn out of the rock on the slope of the hill, this Canaanite wine-press is near Ain-Karim, the birthplace of John the Baptist. In the central vat of the wine-press the man is seen standing.. Above this is another enclosure where the grapes are stored before being thrown into the main vat to be trodden under foot. The juice runs down into smaller vats from which the wine is carried away to neighbouring homes, the press being at the service of all who pay rent to its owner. An early photograph.

Wool-washing by the banks of the river Tigris. Fleeces of skin-wool obtained for the sheep after killing, are piled high in bales. Shorn wool rather than skin-wool was approved by the Hebrews. An early photograph..