Not far from Betharabah on the old caravan route, down from Jerusalem to Gaza, is the so-called Philip`s Fountain. This has been pointed out since the 15th century as the spring in which Philip baptized the eunuch,. chamberlain of Candace, queen of Ethiopia (Acts viii,26,36). An older tradition places at Hebron the scene of the baptism of Philip`s convert. An early photograph.

Site of Bethsaida on a tributary into the Sea of Galilee.

Under the leadership of Bar Cochba, or Barcochebas, the Jews revolted in Palestine during Hadrian`s reign (A.D. 117-138). They persecuted the native Christians for refusing to join the insurrection.. The final scene of this was at Bethther - now Bittir, SW of Jerusalem. After a siege lasting over three years (132-135) the Romans captured the place and massacred the inhabitants. An early photograph.

Cana of Galilee, now Kefr Kenna.