Papyrus of the Acts, found at Oxyrrhynchus, Egypt. 3rd century AD..

The Seven Tablets of Creation, the story of the world`s origin from Babylon. The copies which have been preserved to us are Assyrian, dating from the 7th century B.C.. They describe (1) the primeval ocean-mass, (2) rebellion of Tiamat, the sea-goddess, (3) the gods` council of war, (4) Marduk - Ashur in Assyria - elected champion of the gods, fights and slays Tiamat, (5) creation of the stars, (6) creation of man, (7) praise of the gods: and conclude with commendation of the poem.

An account of the Creation story in cuneiform script, about 600 BC..

Dead Sea
Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem, where the Dead Sea Scrolls are housed..