View from Jaffa, the ancient Joppa, to Tel Aviv.

House of Simon
Traditional House of Simon the Tanner in Joppa, where Peter stayed. Stone steps still lead to the roof as in the days when `Peter went up upon the housetop to pray..` (A photograph by R E M Bain in about 1890).

The tanneries in Joppa are situated on the seashore at the southern end of the town, as they were in the days of `one Simon`. Tanners were not allowed to pursue their messy craft within the cities.. Primitive methods of converting raw hides into leather were much the same as those employed by the tanner pictured above on Jaffa beach. He is `unhairing` a skin after it has been soaked and treated with lime. Having stretched it on the beam he is working it with a specially-shaped knife, which partly scrapes and partly shaves off the hair.

Jaffa. Looking North.