Appearing Jesus appearing to disciples after his resurrection.
Judas Judas kissing Jesus at the arrest in Gethsemane.
Ascending Jesus ascending with his disciples looking on.
Bonnet Girl with an Easter bonnet, blowing off in the wind.
Butterfly Caterpillar and butterfly, symbolising resurrection.
Chick Easter chick.
Chicks Easter chicks.
Crowned The head that once was crowned with thorns is crowned with glory now. Crowns and cross..
Carrying Jesus carrying the cross.
I N R I Jesus on the cross with `I N R I`.
Cross Jesus hanging on the cross.
Cross The descent from the cross.
Empty Tomb Easter sunrise with the empty tomb.
Eggs Easter eggs.
Eggs Easter eggs with hen.
Easter Disciples find the empty tomb on Easter morning.
Glory Jesus resurrected in glory.
Life of Jesus The life of Jesus, from manger, through cross to resurrection.
Nail A nail in the hand of Jesus on the cross.
Nail A nail in the wrist of Jesus on the cross.
Palm Sunday Palm branches waving over Jerusalem, as at Palm Sunday.
Empty Tomb The empty tomb and three empty crosses.
Empty Tomb The empty tomb and three empty crosses. FREE PICTURE
Cross A slanted cross.
Star Glory shining from the cross like a star.
Tall The cross standing tall.
Thorns The crown of thorns.
Crosses Three crosses with Jesus and the two criminals.
Tomb A tomb from the inside with a circular stone rolled away.
Tomb A tomb with a circular stone rolled away.
Disciples Jesus` disciples locked in the upper room afraid.
Disciples Jesus` disciples telling everyone about the Resurrection.
Via Dolorosa Via Dolorosa, on the pathway of the cross in Jerusalem.
Wooden A rough wooden cross.