Three Kings Three kings or Wise men at Christmas.
Star The star of Bethlehem as a conjunction of planets, as suggested by Kepler.
Shepherds Shepherds come to adore the baby Jesus.
Announce An angel come to announce the birth of baby Jesus.
Bell Christmas bell.
Bells Christmas bells.
Bethlehem Mary and Joseph approaching Bethlehem.
Bethlehem Bethlehem, adapted from an ancient photo..
Star The star over Bethlehem on Christmas Eve. FREE PICTURE
Holly Border with Christmas holly.
Candle Christmas candle.
Carols Christmas carol singers with bells.
Choir Choir singing Christmas carols.
Coach Victorian `Christmas` coach.
Pine Cones Pine cones, for Christmas decorations.
Holly Corner or part border with holly and snow drops.
Holly Corner or part border with holly.
Cracker Christmas cracker.
Star The star over Bethlehem on Christmas Eve.
Santa Father Christmas on a roof.
Fanfare Father Christmas blowing a fanfare.
Fireside Traditional fireside with Christmas tree, stockings and cards.
Family Joseph and Mary with baby Jesus in the carpentry shop.
Inn Mary and Joseph looking asking for room in an inn.
Returning Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus returning to Nazareth.
King King or Wise man bringing a gift, with the star.
Manger A manger with baby Jesus.
Christmas `Merry Christmas` with the Cross.
Reindeer `Merry Christmas` with reindeer, a Christmas tree and presents.
Family Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus.
Family Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus in a manger.
Sleigh Christmas Notice on the side of Father Christmas` sleigh.
Presents Children opening Christmas presents.
Pudding Christmas pudding.
Robin Robin freezing on a Christmas log.
Shepherd Shepherd on a hill with sheep with angelic light.
Sledge Children on a snow sledge.
Snowman Snowman making music on icicles.
Snowmen Snowmen singing Christmas carols.
Family Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus in a cattle shed.
Stockings Christmas stockings.
Fleeing Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus fleeing to Egypt.
Tree Christmas tree.
Turkey Christmas turkey.
Wise Men Wise men or Kings with the star.
Adoration Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus, a shepherd and Kings or Wise Men.
Wise Men Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus and Kings or Wise Men.
Angel The angel tells Mary about Jesus.
Inn Many and Joseph ask for room at an inn.
Shepherds Shepherds see a star.
Wise Men Wise men or Kings with gifts looking at the star.
Wise Men Wise Men or Kings present gifts to baby Jesus.
Egypt Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus arriving in Egypt.
Shepherds Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus and shepherds.
Turkey Christmas (or Thanksgiving) meal of turkey.