`Church in 1500`s was ruled by money, not worship. Printing the Bible changed all everything. A Bible was placed in every church.. When one scholar read the Bible for the first time he said: Either this is not the Gospel, or we are not Christians.`

John Smyth
`John Smyth read about Baptism in his Bible. He started the first Baptist church. Baptist churches were illegal. Baptists were arrested and fined. Baptists could even be deported.. The Baptists fled to Holland for some years.`

`At first they met in homes. Sometimes they made them into small chapels. Benjamin Keath started the idea of Hymns in church. This was criticized as `modern` and `unbiblical`.. John Bunyan started preaching in the streets. This was criticised by some as simplistic. They said:`Some might be converted who had not been by God`.`

Change World
`Baptists helped change the world. William Carey founded the first Missionary Society, to take the Gospel to the whole world. Robert Raikes founded Sunday Schools which taught children to read.. Robert hall helped to end sweatshop labour. Will Knibb helped William Wilberforce to to end slavery.`