Arches Egyptian brick arches..
Battlement Battlements. Left & Middle: Assyrian. Right: Egyptian.
Brick Brick from Babylon, stamped with imperial seal.
Colossus Colossus transported by Egyptian slaves.
Columns Capital and base of a pillar at Susa.
Columns Egyptian colums from the Memnonium. FREE PICTURE
Columns Egyptian column capitals.
Columns Hall of Egyptian columns, in the Memnonium.
Columns Persian and Assyrian column capitals.
Columns Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns.
Gate Gate of a city.
Gate Chamber over a gateway.
Gate Egyptian sculptured gateway.
Gate Egyptian gateway at Medinet Aboo.
Gate Gate of the Acropolis of Mycenae.
Gate Persian satrap dictating terms to Grecian chiefs at the gate of a city.
Porches Porches, Egyptian.
Stone Great stone in Baalbec quarry.